Payment Update – Best Passive Income App? (Pros & Cons)

Are you interested in a payment 
update and do you want to know if it really   is one of the best passive ways to earn some 
extra money online? Then this video is for you.   My name is Mikael and a while ago I made 
a video about GetGrass and it was at that   time a quite new project, a new way to earn 
passively potentially online. And since then,   has been some more updates and many people 
have asked me about a payment update to find   out how they can now get paid, can they now 
get paid and all that. So therefore, I decided   to record this video where I will explain more 
about this so you know what you can currently expect. So let me start by making clear that this 
is not a full  GetGrass review or tutorial because   I do have that elsewhere on my channel. I'll leave 
a link in the top corner for full tutorial of it   when I first made a video. And I also have a 
written review on my website you can check   that out through the link below. This is instead 
focused on a payment update talking about the   

 Payout options because this is what have confused 
people um from the last video. Because you can join   now you can earn now but currently you cannot 
really get paid but it has a potential to do   that soon.Sso that is what I will explain here so 
you know exactly what to expect. But let's first   go a little bit more into details about what  
GetGrass is trying to do compared to similar earning   platforms so you also understand why you maybe 
should consider this. Of course that all depends   on your personal preferences. I'm just sharing my 
research, my testing and then you can decide for   yourself. But let's go over that next. So  GetGrass
is a way to earn by sharing your unused internet.   If you watch my channel for a while you know 
that there are quite a few different ways to   do that.  GetGrass is just one of the newer options. 
There are many others that you currently offer are   basically same but  GetGrass at least they are 
saying here that what they are trying to do is   to build a more ethical network. Because they say 
that many of these places today where you can get   paid to share your internet bandwidth that they 
really are not fair, they're just in  GetGrass opinion   

 They are unethical because they basically give you 
like no money at all compared to how much money   they are making. They have a Blog on the website 
you can go there and if you want to read more   about that where they explain their perspective 
of this and what they are trying to achieve. And   personally, I think this is a nice idea because I 
do see their points of that that some of the   options anyways they, you know, really do not 
pay fairly considering how much money they make.   And great if they actually manage to then build 
a more ethical one where we will get more money   for sharing our unused internet bandwidth where 
we can earn more passively. However, you know, like   so far I cannot say whether that will really 
happen because we will have to wait and see. I've   seen platforms before for talking about ethical 
aspects and how they're going to be better than   their competitors where they just really did not 
live up to it. So I can not yet say how that will   turn out for GetGrass. I will continuously test 
it and and keep you updated. This is just to give   you an idea of it. But also to say like I'm always 
critical when companies say that I want to see the   

 Proof before I actually believe it. But I do like 
the idea. And that's why I just wanted to talk a   little bit more about that. But let's now talk 
about this payment update because as you will   maybe know when you watch this that you can 
earn now but you can't actually take your earnings   out yet. And that can be a bit confusing and
you need to be aware of this. So when I first   recorded a video about GetGrass, a lot of people 
were quite excited about new passive way to earn   some extra money. But a lot of people were also 
confused even though I said it very clearly in   that video at that time you could not yet actually 
take out your earnings. The GetGrass, as you can   also see, they have more information about that on 
the website there. They are still building up   the network, building up this proxy Network there 
where people are sharing the internet and then   they will launch once they have enough people 
sharing their internet bandwidth. They write all   about this here that they have certain threshold 
they need to reach before they will launch and then   we can start earning from it. Or actually we are 
earning now, we can just not take our earnings out   

 Yet. And this is of course challenging in in 
a couple of ways and it also has some potential   benefits that I just want to talk about. And 
the potential benefits is of course that if they   actually manage to make this ethical Network where 
we earn more and you get in early, well then you   can earn now uh where you can you can actually 
potentially earn even more and already build up   a lot of earnings before they actually launch. 
And that definitely gives you a head start and   that is without the doubt uh the biggest advantage. 
The disadvantage is of course that we do not know   exactly what those thresholds are, when they will 
achieve that, when will we start to earn. And also   as I showed my previous video there, I showed 
you like how I was earning there and I could   see my earnings build up nicely and they have 
kept doing that because I decide to keep  testing it and keep using it because I'm curious 
about it. But I don't know yet the points or   whatever we call it there that that we earn what 
they will be worth once they launch. So um we can   earn now but we actually don't know the value of 
what we will earn yet. So that's something we have   

 To wait and see. And that's the disadvantage and 
advantages. But the payment update here is to say   that they have a progress update they are keeping 
working on. You can also join that Discord. You can   get like you know often they have updates about 
how they're doing, how they're moving forward at   the time recording this video. They also planning 
to to launch an app, a phone app soon so you can   also use it on the phone. Also currently you can 
still only join through an invitation link. At some   point they will also change that so you can also 
join without an invitation link. If you want to   join you haven't joined yet, you know, I'll leave a link 
below to a full written review, as I mentioned,   on my website. At the top there, you can find an 
invitation link so you can join if you decide to.   So they keep expanding, they keep improving 
there. So I just hope that it will keep moving   forward and then we will have to wait and see 
what we will actually get out of it once it really   launches. Which hopefully will happen soon. So to 
sum it all up, I think GetGrass is an interesting   project and I hope that they will actually stay 
true to the word about building this more ethical   

 Way of us earning passively by sharing our 
unused internet bandwidth and pay fairly.   I'm very curious to see that it has advantages 
disadvantages. So far, I'm still involved in   it because I'm still using it because I think 
it has potential or I think it sounds interesting.   But we'll have to wait to see about the potential. 
I cannot promise exactly what the value of what   you will earn now will be worth. I think that you 
should only join it if you actually believe in the   project. So I think you should go to the website, 
read about it. If it resonates with you then start   using it. But be aware that you don't know exactly 
when you will be able to take your earnings out. I   can't even guarantee that it will happen at some 
point because I have seen projects before where   they promise that. And then it's not happening. So 
I cannot guarantee that. But you have to make   that decision yourself. Whether you think that this 
sounds like a good project and you want to get   involved now where it has even bigger potential 
but you also don't know what will actually really   happen, when will you take out, can you take your 
earnings out, how can you take them out all that.   

 So that's something that I'll leave up to you 
to decide. But I wanted to give an update about   because a lot of people have asked about they 
were confused about how to get paid, when can you   get paid. And therefore, I want to explain all the 
details. And as mentioned, I do have a full written   tutorial and review on my website where you can 
also find an invitation link. At the time recording   this video anyways, you do need an invitation 
link if you want to join and start using it to   earn passively. It doesn't take long to set up 
and then you can start earning just whenever you're   online. So I'll leave a link to that below and you 
can check that out if you decide this is for you. I   also do have a list of other great passive income 
apps, actually the best ones in my opinion where   you definitely can get paid already now. I'll leave 
a link to that below also. So you can go and check   that out. No matter what, I hope this video helped 
you. And if it did, make sure to hit the like button,   and also don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube 
channel, and hit the notification bell, so you   won't miss out next time I release a video with tips and 
tricks about different ways to make money online.