How To Use Honeygain on iPhone (Step by Step) | Setup Honey gain on IOS

Hey everybody welcome into this new tutorial in this video Let's Take a look of how we can download and set up this horny gain application in order for gaining money using your iPhone um this is totally for free if you're using the link that I'm going to leave you down below in the description guys so first of all what you guys need to do is to go into your app store and here it says game apps stores if you're into the 

 Search bar I'm going to tap honigain and I'm gonna just click into search and as you can see what I want to do is to download this application honey gain make money online so as you can see this is effortless earnings get paid real money for simply running the application on your iPhone but more of that after we download the application so I'm just going to keep in here I'm going to enable confirmed the purchase so I can download the honey gain application now 

 First of all guys if you want to make money here using your phone you can do that in your laptop you can do that when all the phone actually but first of all we need to enable the application so first of all we want to if you want to read here the terms of use you can do that in my case I want to just agree and here it says ready to make sweet money earned effortless make web better refer to for rewards and stay in the foreground so there are two ways that 

 You can earn money here into hunting the first one is that making money by simply running the application so half of this works here into hunting game just by using the application so what happens here is that if we just run the application and then we just leave it already opened like that and we just do whatever we do with our phone daily what happens here is that the application the company is going to be gathered public data of everything that we do here it's 

 Not like they are aspiring on us but to see what kind of applications we checked out during the days which one we use the most like maybe WhatsApp or Instagram or which browser that we use in order to look for products either use more eBay or Etsy or Amazon into different countries so that might be the reason they want to gather a few data public data and for that we're going to enter some rewards and the second way that we can earn money here is to as an 

 Affiliate here into honey key so that means if I refer someone else let's say my brother my cousin my dad a friend about this application they're going to be a 10 discount of the referrals earning forever I mean not a discount but let's say that they'd earned like a hundred honey gains and for that I'm gonna earn the 10 of what they give to them into my account now it says stay in the foreground due to the iOS limits the application can only work in the 

 Foreground so I'm going to choose learned more it says that the iOS limitations apps cannot run as a background service unless they play audio or utilize GPS Therefore your honey gain application can only be active in generally a passive income when running in the foreground so that means if I I'm using this application I must flip this open so now as you can see my application has been downloaded and now it says power saving mode 

 Selected dim your screen in better safe battery power turned off of any time by tapping your screen so if I choose let's say I exit this application let's say that I'm into Zana right so check out here my tasks and all that and if I checked out my applications I'm going to see the horny gain is still active so that means that's the reason why it's going to be asking us to um stay here the application into the 

 Foreground you have to open the application and stay in here for the rest of the day but you can leave it open and you can do your stuff using Asana Facebook Instagram whatever you want to so I'm going to go back into holiday and here I'm going to choose logged in now it says welcome back choose an email and a passcode if you don't have an account you can always choose this option that says create an account I'm 

 Going to choose this option and it's going to be asking me for an email and a passcode in my case I when you clicked into the link down below you're going to be seeing something like this and the coupon code is going to be already added so you can be earning a few rewards to your spy signing in so now what I want to do guys is to go into the overview section as you can see have a current balance of 5000 and a few of this honey gained so if you go into the preference 

 Section uh before I'm showing you something like this if you want to allow your mobile data usage so this setting is actually to share a little bit more of traffic but it can use a lot of mobile data so spend a lot of mobile data I strongly because you have to guys to keep this off sometimes this automatically it keeps on so you want to maintain this off so you don't spend a lot a lot of your mobile data in here so if you want to check it out how it works 

 Once again you can go here into the section that says how it works stay in default route you saw before and here's the help center which you're going to see maybe like a community if you have a specific questions some general questions technical questions payout questions refer questions and all that and now I'm going to go back again and what I want to show you guys is the up review section now in here I'm going to see all my status all my data here about 

 Honey gain so as you can see here it says horny gain and jump task I'm going to choose explain something real quick about honey gain so if we switch to jump task on get an additional uh 10 bonuses what happens in here is that the jump task is like a wallet when we can earn a few tokens a few earnings with our heart again so every thousand honey gain I'm pretty sure it's like uh one dollar so as you can see I have earned today 

 1.92 so here's my earnings 5 and 326 with 48 cents here right so this is the Gathering as you can see I'm going to scroll a little bit down as you can see it says others 93 Gathering six percent content delivery referrals on winning these are the five options that we can't use in order for getting money here into hunting if I choose the content delivery I'm going to choose the learned more section so what's going to happen here is that we're gonna be 

 Sending those into this report on again what is the content delivery where is this available and how much does it pays and lastly we have the win credits daily so this pop-up is going to be appearing every day you sign up in here if I choose to try your luck option it says open the Honey Jar every day take your chances to win up to 10 000 honey getting credit to your account so that means like maybe ten dollars that's equal to ten dollars so I'm gonna just 

 Open and see how much I'm gonna be gaining today as you can see I have 20 credits uh daily so at account this is going to be appearing randomly if you choose those options you might be getting let's say 200 maybe 2 000 even 10 000 so that's just a a random number now here into my active devices it's going to be appearing via devices where I am signed it in so as you can see I have a Windows Asus tech computer I have an iPhone here and actually it says 

 Another iPhone here but I'm pretty sure it's the same one so I'm not going to be using this one but basically what happens in here is that sometimes there are a few contents where you can earn a few extra honey gain and it's actually really simple it's like daily stuff daily tasks that you need to do but what I want to show you guys is the jump task section so if I switch to jump task I can earn some additional 10 percent in bonus so I just need to switch from John 

 Task from holiday into Jam task I would just enable this option it says you're about to describe the jump task mode say hello to instance pay out and granted these payout fees so what happens in here I'm going to choose let's start the next thing that I need to do do is to link a wallet why wallet because a jump task and honey gain both they operate with this crypto stuff so what I want to do is to connect my wallet if you don't have a wallet I'm going to be leaving 

 You a link Down Below in the description so you can have your Brewery First grab the wallet using the metamask Well from the 20 gang wallet into our bank account but more of that later if you want to see a video of how we can redeem our money how can withdraw our money uh from here from the honey gain and wallet application into our bank account let us know here in the comments below thank you so much for watching this video guys don't forget to like And subscribe to 

 The channel if you want to see more about this kind of applications where you can get some passive income thank you once again so much for watching this video and hopefully you guys will see you next time foreign [Music]